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APIs results are paged. The default page size is 25 elements. Details about the pagination are reported in the meta.pagination section of the API response.

"meta": {"pagination": {"current_page": 1, "next_page": 2, "prev_page": null, "total_pages": 4, "total_count": 90}}

It is possible to get a specific page and to modify the size of a page.

Get a specific page

To get a specific page.

GET /properties/:property_id/data_elements?page[number]=<page number>

Change the page size

To change the page size.

GET /properties/:property_id/data_elements?page[size]=<page size>

The options can be combined together.

GET /properties/:property_id/data_elements?page[size]=<page size>&page[number]=<page number>