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Exchanging Secret credentials

The available secret types are: oauth2-client_credentials, oauth2-jwt, oauth2-google, simple-http, and token. The credentials object for each type has different required attributes.

oauth2-client_credentials credentials

Only client_credentials grant type is supported.

Credential attributes

  • client_id - Text - Required - The client_id of the oauth2 integration
  • client_secret - Text - Required - The client_secret of the oauth2 integration. Not included in the API response.
  • token_url - Text - Required - The token url of the oauth2 integration.
  • refresh_offset - Integer - Optional - The value, in seconds, used to offset the refresh operation. If not set, an implicit 14400 (4 hours) will be used
  • options - Object - Optional - Key/Value pairs of options for the oauth2 integration

When an oauth2-client_credentials Secret is created or updated, a POST is made to the token_url with the client_id and client_secret (and possibly options), according to the client_credentials flow of the oauth2 protocol. If the authorization service responds with 200 OK and a JSON response body, the body is parsed and access_token and expires_in are used. It is expected that the authorization service response body is compatible with the oauth2 protocol.

A credentials exchange is considered successful if:

  • expires_in is greater 28800 (8 hours)
  • refresh_offset is less than expires_in - 14400. (e.g. if the expires_in is 36000 (10h), and the refresh_offset is set to 28800 (8h), the exchange is considered failed because 28800 > 36000 - 14400).

If the exchange is successful, the Secret status attribute is set to succeeeded and expires_at and refresh_at are set.

  • expires_at is the current UTC time + expires_in.
  • refresh_at is the current UTC time + expires_in - refresh_offset

In case of failure, the information is available in the status_details attribute from the meta object.

oauth2-jwt credentials

Credential attributes

  • iss - Text - Required - The JWT issuer.
  • aud - Text - Required - The JWT audience.
  • sub - Text - Optional - The JWT subject.
  • ttl - Integer - Required - The JWT ttl. The exp claim is computed using this value.
  • alg - Text - Required - The algorithm used to sign the JWT. Currently, only RS256 is supported.
  • custom_claims - Object - Optional - Key/Value pairs of JWT custom claims.
  • token_url - Text - Optional - The token url of the oauth2 integration. If this value is not included, the JWT will be used as access_token.
  • private_key_id - Text - Optional - The private key id. This value will be added to the kid JWT header.
  • private_key - Text - Required - The private key used to sign to JWT.
  • refresh_offset - Integer - Optional - The value, in seconds, used to offset the refresh operation. If not set, an implicit 1800 (30 minutes) will be used.
  • options - Object - Optional - Key/Value pairs of options for the oauth2 integration.

When an oauth2-jwt Secret is created or updated, a JWT is created and signed using the private_key. If token_url is present, a POST is made to the token_url with the assertion parameter and JWT value (and possibly options), according to the rfc7523 standard. If the authorization service responds with 200 OK and a JSON response body, the body is parsed and access_token and expires_in are used. It is expected that the authorization service response body is compatible with the oauth2 protocol.

If token_url is not present, the generated JWT is used as access_token and the ttl as expires_in.

If the exchange is successful, the Secret status attribute is set to succeeeded and expires_at and refresh_at are set.

  • expires_at is the current UTC time + expires_in.
  • refresh_at is the current UTC time + expires_in - refresh_offset

In case of failure, the information is available in the status_details attribute from the meta object.

oauth2-google credentials

Credential attributes

  • scopes - Array - Required - The scopes for the google authorization. The allowed scope values are, and At least one scope has to be added.

When an oauth2-google Secret is created or updated, it has a manual_authorization status, authorization_url, and authorization_url_expires_at fields in the meta object. In order to process the secret, the authorization_url value has to be loaded in a browser and the the Google authorization flow has to be completed. The authorization_url value is valid until authorization_url_expires_at. If the authorization_url expires, the secret has to be reauthorized. The authorization_url, and authorization_url_expires_at fields are displayed only once, after the Secret creation or update.

If the Google authorization flow is successful, the Secret status attribute is set to succeeeded and expires_at and refresh_at are set.

  • expires_at is the current UTC time + 1h.
  • refresh_at is the current UTC time + 30m

In case of failure, the information is available in the status_details attribute from the meta object.

simple-http credentials

Credential attributes

  • username - Text - Required - Username
  • password - Text - Required - Password. Not included in the API response.

The exchange consist of transforming the username and password to a BASE64 encoding of “username:password” After the exchange, expires_at and refresh_at will be null.

token credentials

Credential attributes

  • token - Text - Required - A secret token

There is no exchange needed for these credentials and expires_at and refresh_at will be null.

Environment relationship

A Secret can only be associated with one environment. Once the relationship between a secret and an environment is established, it cannot be modified* (the secret cannot be cleared from the environment, the secret cannot be associated with a different environment).

* If the environment is deleted, relationship is cleared and the secret can be associated to a different environment.

After the credentials exchange, for a Secret associated with an environment, the exchange artifact (the access_token for oauth2, BASE64 encoded string for simple-http, and the token for token) are securely saved on the environment and are accessible through a Secret Data Element. After the successful save of the exchange artifact on the environment, the attribute activated_at is set to the current UTC time.

Refreshing an oauth2 Secret

If an oauth2 Secret has an Environment associated and it has succeeded status (the credentials were exchanged successfully), an exchange is performed automatically on refresh_at. If the exchange is successful, the refresh_status attribute in the meta object is set to succeeded and expires_at, refresh_at and activated_at are updated accordingly.

If the exchange is failed, the operation is attempted 3 more times, with the last attempt no more than 2h before the access token expires.

In case of failure, the information is available in the refresh_status_details attribute from the meta object.

Secret Data Element

A Secret can be used in a Library only through a Data Element of type Secret, available in the Core extension. The Secret Data Element can configure secrets for each Environment stage, Development, Staging, and Production.

If a Secret Data Element is added to a Library, a succeeded Secret has to be associated with the Environment on which the Library is being built.

  • e.g. a Build will fail for a Library in Staging, if it has a Secret Data Element, but there is not succeeded secret configured for the Staging Secret section.

On runtime, the Secret Data Element is replaced with the corresponding secret exchange artifact (the access_token for oauth2, BASE64 encoded string for simple-http, and the token for token) saved on the Environment.