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An ExtensionPackage represents a packaged extension as authored by an extension developer. An extension package defines additional capabilities that can be made available to Launch users. Most commonly these capabilities come in the form of RuleComponents (events, conditions, and actions) and DataElements, but can also include main modules and shared modules.

ExtensionPackages are displayed in the Launch catalog for users to install. Adding an ExtensionPackage to a property is accomplished by creating an Extension with a link to the ExtensionPackage.

An extension package belongs to the Company of the developer who created it.


An ExtensionPackage status may be one of the following values.


When an ExtensionPackage is created, status is set to pending. This indicates that Launch received the information for the extension package and will begin processing.

ExtensionPackages with a status of pending are not available for use.


When processing of the ExtensionPackage has completed, if processing was successful, the status will change to succeeded.


When processing of the ExtensionPackage has completed, if processing was unsuccessful, the status will change to failed. An ExtensionPackage with a status of failed may be updated until processing succeeds.

ExtensionPackages with a status of failed are not available for use.


ExtensionPackages have an availability attribute that represents its visibility and availability for use.

An ExtensionPackage availability may be one of the following values.


An extension package in development is only visible to, and available within, the Company that owns it, and Properties which are configured for extension development.


A private ExtensionPackage is only visible to, and available for installation on a Property within the Company that owns it.


A public ExtensionPackage is visible and available to all Companies and Properties.

When an ExtensionPackage is created, availability is set to development. After testing has been completed, you can transition the ExtensionPackage to either private or public.

Archive Url

After an ExtensionPackage is transitioned to public, the archived source files are available at the archive_url location, inside the meta block.